Episode 06: Peach Flavor Soda by QDOL
Peach Flavor Soda by QDOL featuring Asamiya Athena demonstrating her peachy superpower.
Peach Flavor Soda by QDOL
The Can
This can is absolutely stunning on its own, but I love seeing it next to its five other friends. This can features The King of Fighters 97, Asamiya Athena. I think her super powers are being cute and winking and having good bangs. Based on the color, you’d never know this was peach flavored. My guess was something featuring a berry, but the peach colored can of QDOL is actually lime. This can is excellent. It tells you the flavor clearly, features the characters name in large bold text, and gives Asamiya her own special moment to demonstrate her fighting prowess.
Peach Flavored Soda by QDOL lined up with other gorgeous QDOL flavors. WINK!
Excellent crack! It truly cracked me right in the face. This is technically a peach flavored soda, not a seltzer, not a sparkling water, so there is some sugar content. It gives a very distinctly fresh peach aroma off the top. One of my favorite kinds of pie to bake is peach and that is reminiscent of the scent I am getting here. I was apprehensive that this would be overly sweet—it is a soda after all—but I can tell you this is NOT intensely sugary. It tastes like biting into the best peach you’ve had all summer after a few too-early peaches you ate because you were excited to kick off your summer peach era. Big, juicy, natural peach energy with a light fizz. It tastes more like actual fruit than a peach candy. I was expecting a very intensely candy flavor here based on the can and I am embarrassed to say I judged the contents of this can by its label. I am happy to report my assumptions were incorrect. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes!
Overall reaction
This one is pretty good!