Episode 10: Peach by Waterloo
Peach by Waterloo. I will be honest, I just painted this room recently and I am excited to show it off. I felt bold and painted the trim to match the walls. I am going to likely regret this decision in about 5-10 years.
Peach by Waterloo
The Can
Waterloo’s branding for their packaging is pretty tight. They have a great system. This can was on the market long before Pantone decided that Fuzzy Peach was the Color of the year for 2024. I love Waterloo’s logotype. I love the color choices here. The green really pops. Pictured on the can is a single peach. It’s direct, it’s straightforward, it’s clear: Just peach. Peach is all you need. No calories. No sugar. They repeat that information several times to get the point across.
I didn’t bother sanding this shelf. So sue me. The peach really pops on this Navy though. (Paint is Inked by Behr)
Waterloo always struck me as “fancy” because of their logotype and packaging. I have no idea how they rank price-wise compared to other bubbly beverages. I admit, I don’t often look at prices (check your privilege, Elle.) All that is to say, I have no idea if Waterloo is ACTUALLY fancy or just FEELS fancy. This is something I would buy to bring to a party to impress a hostess, especially if the flavor had a connection to something on my cheese board.
I am feeling wistful for summer. I am not cut out for Philadelphia winters and often find myself saddled with SAD. Cracking this open gave me a shot of joy. Summer will eventually return with all of the trappings of warm weather; day trips to the beach, driving with the windows down, sipping on a roadie soadie on the way to Your Rich Uncle’s House for a little poolside hang. Peach by Waterloo would be perfect for all of those situations. If you close your eyes and take a sip, it’s almost like it isn’t -100 degrees outside and gray and horrible.
The aroma is direct: Peachy. The aroma aligns well with the taste. It tastes like a fresh peach, but doesn’t bear the same sweetness that is sometimes present in fruity bubbly bevvies (even the ones with no sugar or sweetener, which I can not explain.)
Overall reaction
It’s purely, perfectly peachy. It’s pretty good.